Any company keeps records on financial and management accounting. To save you time on record-keeping and make the process easier we have created Flores. Flores is a software that allows you to keep management and project record as well as analyse and plan your company's strategies. Flores can be used in any sector, such as service, marketing and production. The software helps you track the financial situation in the company regardles of the number of legal entities. It is possible thanks to a special toolset that save time and help manage small businesses more effectively by automating most of routine procedures.

Main technical features:

  • Based on PostgreSQL, the open source database
  • Yii2 Framework, Docker, ElasticSearch
  • The API relies on Swagger for generating documentation
  • Consul is used as discovery-service
  • Any finished task goes through the workflow, which ensures flawless operation of the service
  • RabbitMQ is used for asynchronous tasks
  • The service is completely secure: all data is safely encrypted, HTTPS safe access, privacy settings for different account types, a "red button" (a function that allows you to destroy all the data stored in the program), backup function
  • Ready-made cases for checking the current features of the system
  • The project has an active wiki with updates
  • All tasks are reviewed through gitlab
  • Two-step authentification via Telegram Messenger
  • A Telegram-based help bot with limited functionality
  • Interface is optimized due to background content uploads
  • Excel data import and export
  • A user's guide
  • Flores is a cloud software, but a corporate server version can be made available on demand
  • Each employee with access to the system (one person distributes access rights) can only see and perform tasks that they are allowed to
  • Integration with several popular services, banks and client management software is available


Because of its specificity, we made the software as user-frendly and intuitive as possible. The layout has a soft color scheme and readable fonts to minimize any inconviniences while using the platform.

At the very beginning we developed a wireframe to test out the beta-version of the entire platform with all the visuals – this is how the framework appeared.

Then we proceeded to a more complex and detailed stage, which was prototyping. We demonstrated user interaction with the interface of the final product. At this stage, we eliminated all of the remaining bugs and mistakes.

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