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We provide a full web services and software development cycle — from analytics and software architectural design to its integration and post-release maintenance

Experience behind us, modern technologies, well-established processes and the ability to solve complex problems



11 years

since 2013



We build turnkey solutions


B2B platforms




Online shops


Blockchain projects


Payment and transfer services


Dashboards and workbenches


Training and trading online platforms

A unique feature of Freematiq is an ultimate creation of exclusive «handmade» projects where for each client we elaborate an individual development plan that meets all requirements, wishes and restrictions. In fact, Freematiq becomes an executive unit within the client’s company, solving the problems of his or her business.

Dmitry Lodnev
the Chief Technology Officer

We meet the challenges of business

The workflow automation

templates generation, auto-fill and transitions between negotiation stages

The staff training automation

internal training and onboarding

The technical support process optimization

receiving and processing customer requests

The business processes automation

from sales to production

The HR process automation

a full HR-cycle in enterprise information portal

The providing the IT component of online sales

integration with 1C, CRM, with delivery service modules

The setup of website and CRM integration

from lead generation in CRM to full integration of transactions, clients, products

Turnkey project development

From analytics and software architectural design to its integration and post-release maintenance support

Implementation of the project part

API development, backend development, frontend development, 1C development and integration, technical support

The way we work

Development of IT solutions is a long and time-consuming process involving dozens of specialists. We let this process stay transparent and comfortable - you always know what you pay for and how much time each development step takes.

Схема работы Схема работы

Project evaluation

At this stage, we strive to learn as much as possible about the future project, requirements and wishes.

If necessary, a project manager and technical specialists are involved in the evaluation. As a result, we give a project statement of estimates and a commercial offer, we provide options for the execution of the contract and possible terms of project start.

"Balancing the client and company interests is rather difficult. Although I enjoy talking to people, wondering what they do and how they build their business. It lets me hear the customer, get rid of some irrelevant information, as well as discover the customer’s real need, which we can satisfy"

the Sales Manager


The task of the analyst is to gather all necessary bases for the implementation of the project and outline its boundaries.

Depending on the budget and needs of the project, we perform analysis of competitors’ websites or services, analyze the target audience and develop the structure of the project.

As a result of analytics, we select the technological stack, define the framework of the MVP and outline the subsequent stages of the project.

We take certain care of timing and budgets, we plan the development of the project ultimately considering all your capabilities and limitations.

Technical Specification & Prototyping

As part of a design, we write the Technical Specification and develop prototypes.

Technical Specification will not only support programmers, but also become a milestone of agreement of all project issues with the client.
If the project involves complex and massive interfaces, we develop their prototypes.
Prototypes can be static or interactive; usually they are indispensable for the assessment of the future location of items in terms of logic and user friendliness.

Prototypes help analyze the convenience of the future interface without being distracted by colours, fonts and pictures.
Interactive prototypes reflect user’s interaction with the future system, on which some hypotheses can be tested without any extra development costs


We discuss your wishes concerning the visual, collect references and anti- references. Afterwards we develop the overall design concept and demonstrate it. Having agreed on the design concept, we draw all necessary interfaces.

Our goal is to understand the client's business needs and find the optimal way to meet them. What I appreciate about Freematic is that we provide solutions that truly address the client's requirements without pushing unnecessary products or services.

Art Director


We allocate a team of programmers for the project, regularly show you the implemented functionality, conduct a code review and pass the project to the testing department.

If the development volume is large, we operate by scrum method - we determine the priorities of various functionalities, form sprints for development and iterate. When working with sprints, testing takes place at the end of each sprint.

Such type of iterative work allows us to receive feedback faster, so it is possible to make adjustments to the vector of the project development.

Technology Stacks

PHP 1C-Bitrix Laravel Yii2 Go Node.js Ruby
Angular React Next.js Vue.js Javascript Typescript HTML5+CSS

We combine the competences of different departments of the company for the implementation of complex integrations

We are able to work with the personal data in accordance with the main Data Protection Law No.152-FL and with the procedure of using the POS equipment for the compliance with the projects under development in accordance with the Law No.54-FL.


We check if all requirements for the developed product are satisfied and whether all tasks are implemented.

We perform a manual UI/UX test to make sure that the customers find it user-friendly and comfortable and avoid any trouble. We thoroughly check the logic of work, the calculations, the correct display on various devices and browser versions. We pass all the deficiencies found to the developers and after adjustments, we check the project once again.

For large projects with increased attention to safety and fault tolerance, we write auto tests, carry out load testing and check the project for vulnerabilities.

Launch and post-release maintenance support

After all the tests there is the most exciting stage - the project launch. In order to make things right, the technical support department and system administrators are involved at this stage.

So that the developed product works correctly not only in testing environment, but also in active employment stage, we provide recommendations on server configuration, taking the planned load on the resource and security requirements into account. We configure the server with all necessary environments. If required, we make seamless transition from the old resource to the new one, so that you do not lose orders or users’ data. We check the product again and hand it over into operation.

After project implementation, we continue to provide 3 Months Support. And even after the warranty period we remain in touch - we monitor changes in legislation and updates employed in the development of software and make recommendations on project improvements and updates as well.